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Military department


 Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;">

Republic of Kazakhstan,  July 24

2017 No. 375. Registered

In the Ministry of Justice

Republic of Kazakhstan, August 29

2017 No. 15589


Students Selection for training at military department


1 . Annually selection for training at military department is conducted on the basis of a competition according to the plan of the set directed to MD RK to military department till March 1 .

The students who are studying full-time are allowed to participate in a competition –  they should be citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  are not older than 25 years , and do not have criminal record.

Deadline of documents admission is May 20, deadline of results of medical examination is May 31 in the year of reception including in a year of holding a competition.

2. Lists of students who study at faculty (at institute) in a form, according to the appendix 1 to these rules, which are formed in dean's offices of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS and are given to military department before the beginning of documents acceptance.

3.The competition for students selection  for training at military department is carried out in three stages:

1. the first stage – passing of medical examination according to the Rules of conducting military-medical examination and the Provision on bodies of military-medical examination in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 2, 2015 No. 373 (it is registered in the Register state normative legal acts No. 11846) (further – Rules of conducting military-medical examination);

2. the second stage – conducting professional and psychological testing;

3. the third stage - check of physical fitness.

Results of stages of selection are subject to consideration at a meeting of the commission on selection of students for training at military department (further – the selection commission).

4. The structure and terms of work of the selection commission are defined by the order of the First Deputy Minister of Defence – the chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – CGS AF RK).

The selection commission consists of the odd number of members (not less than 5 people) including:

1. The chairman of the commission – MD RK  representative;

2. The vice-chairman of the commission – the vice rector of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION supervising military department;

3. one of deputy chief of military department;

4. the representative or person who is responsible for physical training and sport of military unit (establishment) to which the military department is assigned, and at their absence the representative of department of physical training and sport of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION;

5. teacher of the military department of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION;

6. the representative of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION military department is appointed the secretary of the commission (without the right to vote).

5. The organization of documents acceptance and passing of the first stage of a competition is assigned to military department, and the second and third stage are carried out by the selection commission.

6. Passing of each stage of a competition is allowed only once. The student, not passed previous stage, is not allowed to the following stage.

7. The documents for training of the program of reserve officers at a gratuitous and paid basis are accepted from students of the first and second courses (in medical universitirs from the second and third courses).

8. The student who  wants to participate in a competition for training at military department submits the application in a form, according to the appendix 2 to these rules and documents according to the list of documents for participation in competitive selection according to the appendix 3 to these rules.

9. After documents acceptance, the military department issues to the student the receipt on obtaining documents in a form, according to the appendix 4 to these rules.

10. Orphan children and children without parental support, in addition present the original and the copy of one of the documents confirming the fact of lack of care of the only or both parents according to the appendix 5 to these rules or the documents confirming guardianship establishment (guardianship).

11. For passing of medical examination, military departments on the basis of documents of the these rules specified in point 13 issue to students the issued cards of medical examination of the citizen coming to military educational institution in compliance with Rules of conducting military-medical examination.

12. According to Rules of conducting military-medical examination students submit to medical commission documents according to the list of medical documents and results medical a research before the  medical examination.

13. Annually students pass the medical examination during the period from March 1 to May 31 including.

The schedule of medical examination passing are agreed by military department with local bodies of military management which include in the scheduled plan of work of the military-medical commissions passing of medical examination by candidates for training at military departments. The students who haven't arrived to medical examination to the terms specified by the schedule pass it independently.

14. Professional and psychological testing of students is held by the selection commission in computer classes of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION and includes check of level of motivation, resistance to stress,  and critical and logical thinking.

15. Check of physical fitness of students includes reception by the representative or responsible person for physical training and sport of military unit (establishment) to which the military department is assigned, and at their absence by the representative of department of physical training and sport of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION of standards for physical culture, according to the appendix 6 to these rules.

The students who have not gained 8 points on the sum of delivery of three standards are considered not passed the third stage of a competition.

16. Data of results of passing of professional and psychological selection and check of physical fitness are written in sheets which are signed by members of the commission.

17. Competitive selection is carried out according to the rating made in the order provided by Regulations of Admission to training in the military educational institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan realizing the educational programs of appropriate level approved by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 22, 2016 No. 35 (it is registered in the Register of the state registration of regulations for No. 13268).

18. Meetings of the selection commission are held according to the plan of work approved by the chairman of the selection commission and are followed by execution of the minutes of the selection commission on selection of students for attraction to military preparation at military department in a form, according to the appendix 7 to these rules with acceptance of the following types of the decision: "to involve in military preparation", "to recommend for training for free", "to refuse".

The decision are accepted by a majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the voice of the chairman of the selection commission is decisive.

19.The students who are in rating from the first number to number corresponding to the number of the allocated places according to the plan of set are attracted on military department for training on a grant basis.

On the  basis of students data the selection commission makes the decision "to involve in military preparation".

20. Involvement of students to military preparation, their admission to work with arms and military equipment, literature and documents "for office use", is made by the order of the head of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION on the basis of the protocol in the following terms:

for training on a grant basis - within 3 working days after completion of work of the selection commission;

for training at a paid basis - within 10 working days since the beginning of academic year, after writing of the statement in a form, according to the appendix 8 to these rules by the student.

21. The student not concordant with result of passing of professional psychological selection or check of physical fitness files on the same day the written statement (in any form) to the chairman of the selection commission.

The decision of the selection commission on a being of the statement issued by the protocol is taken out within 1 calendar day from the date of receipt of the statement.

22. Results of a competition are placed till 17:00 o'clock next day after completion of work of the selection commission at the information stand of military department.