In order to unite the team of students and collective recreation at the Faculty of Economics of Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, the event "A Clever Lady” and “A Clever Man" was held, which involved active participation of students of all courses and groups. During the program of the competition, the participants were given the opportunity to show their creative talents. A fair jury consisting of teachers Satanbekov N.A., Nazarova O.I., Bimagambetova B.K. and Chairman of the Committee of Youth Leisure Kaiysh Fatima kept a strict record of the scores of each participant. None of those present were left indifferent by the contests: “The most quick-witted”, “Musical”, “Bucket”, “There is a contact”. With their creativity, skillful presentation of the terms of the game by the hosts, they aroused the active participation of those who wished. Special attention and delight of the audience was caused by the competition of videos on the topic of student life. The young men were the most active in the competitions. None of the participants was left without prizes and gifts, which were presented by the dean of the faculty Alkenova Maral Mauievna for participation, for winning in competitions. Thanks to the talent of the hosts: Sultan Demesinov (HR-11), Andrey Manych (FKiS s / s), Seytkali Madi (GMU-42), Ospanova Alina (T-11), the event was fun and well organized. The participants of the event were eagerly awaiting the decision of the jury. Who will win in the category "A Clever Lady” and “A Clever Man"? A fair jury announced the results of the competition: Alina Ospanova (T-11) was recognized as "A Clever Lady”, Azamat Nurkin (FCS-11) was recognized as “A Clever Man". With thunderous applause, the audience approved the decision of the jury and congratulated the winners. Such events are of great importance in the life of the group, because joint rest unites the student team, allows you to reveal the talent and potential of each student.
Press center of A. Myrzakhmetov University