On March 26, 2024, within the walls of the Faculty of Law of A. Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, within the framework of the student scientific community “Forensic Investigator”, a meeting was held between future lawyers, 2-3 year students and teachers of the Department of Jurisprudence with practical workers of the Akmola Regional Court, Department of Justice Akmola region, the Department of the Criminal Executive System, as well as with police officers of the Kokshetau Police Department of the Akmola region. At this meeting, issues of interaction and cooperation between employers and the Department of Jurisprudence, students of the Forensic Investigator club were discussed, practical classes were conducted on inspecting the scene of an incident, drawing up procedural documents and making submissions about violations of the law. Invited specialists with practical work experience presented their departments and conveyed to the students the nuances and subtleties of their work. In addition, issues of further employment of students were discussed separately, the conditions and requirements for entering the service were explained, and information about the advantages of working in law enforcement agencies was also provided. The meeting of the student scientific community (club) “Forensic Investigator” was fruitful, students received the necessary knowledge for practical activities and choosing a future profession. Mutual cooperation between the Department of Jurisprudence and employers of the Akmola region continues.
Musanov S.M., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence