In the framework of international agreements, the Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines of A. Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University and the Department of Modern Pedagogy, Continuous Education and Personal Tracks of the Russian State Social University (Moscow) held the International Pedagogical Forum "TRANSFORMATIONS AND VECTORS OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT" in December 2024. The topics of the panel discussion, in which doctors of sciences of the Russian Federation took part, were quite diverse. The problems of digital transformation of education, modern trends in the didactics of the educational process, ideas about family values among modern student youth, innovative educational practices, etc. were touched upon. From our department of SPD, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.Kh. Kukubaeva spoke at the plenary session with a report "Improving professional skills as an indicator of increasing the effectiveness of a university teacher." The work was then organized in four sections: 1. Values and meanings of modern education; 2. Effective practices in the modern educational space; 3. Education of individuals with disabilities: experience, problems, prospects; 4. Digital transformation of education: modern problems and solutions. The most active were the master's students of the scientific supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Radzitskaya Ya.I., who, in the amount of 11 people, made reports reflecting the topics of their master's dissertations and experience of working in educational organizations. The reports of the master's students of the "Pedagogy and Psychology" group - 42 (Russian department) were interesting: "Features of psychological and pedagogical support of young soldiers in the conditions of the National Guard (Baibatchaev A.P.); "Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren as a condition for the development of their giftedness" (Ismakhambetova B.A.); «The need for professional support of rural school teachers by the district methodological service» (Kauymbekova Zh.S.); «Student involvement in research activities during the educational process and in their free time» (Kenzhebaeva M.M.); «Use of multimedia technologies in the educational process of a private school» (Kobeeva A.M.); «Identification of computer addiction in younger students» (Kotvitskaya M.); «School activities to develop interest of older students in choosing a profession» (Mendibaeva N.S.); «Features of working with families of students with special educational needs» (Naizabeklva A.S.); «Student performance as a condition for their successful learning» (Aubakirova A.A.); «Organization of the educational process for children with special educational needs in a correctional class» (Daniyarova A.E.); "Modern information technologies and practice of teaching high school students" (Ayapbergenova A.A.). For the master's students who spoke, this was a valuable experience of both listening to plenary reports and participating in the discussions in the sections. The organizers of the forum prepared certificates for all participants, and editorial work is underway to prepare materials for publication
Radzitskaya Ya.I., Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.